- Booth:
- 23D35
- Country:
- Germany
- Address:
- Germany
- Description:
- Dräger is an international leader in
safety technology. Dräger offers fixed gas
detection systems, complex solutions for oil &
gas sector, portable gas detection devices, personal protective equipment, engineered solutions for emergency escape, service and training. - Address:
- Россия, 107061, г. Москва, Преображенская пл., д. 8, бизнес-центр ПРЕО8, блок «Б», 12-й этаж
12th Floor, Block B, PREO8 Business Centre, 8, Preobrazhenskaya Square, Moscow, 107061, Russia
TEL +7 (495) 775- 1520
FAX +7 (495) 775-1521
Internet: - Презентация:
- Скачать
- Видео:
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- Сategories:
- Labour protection and safety precautions of technological processes in gas-oil producing and gas-oil processing complex Fire-fighting equipment. Fire and gas detection systems
The information provided about the company is relevant at the time of the exhibition